Fashion is not only about trends.Yes, trends are part of it, but I don't agree that we have to leave the past behind. Gone are the days of gracefulness, where everything was hand made and tailored exactly for you, where the details of each piece is exquisitely crafted with love and care. Replacing it is the mass production system we know so well today. It is so easy to lose one's identity in this system, where art is pitifully reduced to numerious copies of the original thing. With art, its easy to lose the soul, the essense through massive reproduction. One should never sacrifice art in the name of efficiency. So yes, that is why I am always into couture and vintage clothings.

On the runway, with music, lighting, stage setting, models, make-up and clothes, together they bring fantasies to life in such a unique way that other art forms cannot. At that magical moment, all the senses of the audience is being stimulated and saturated. This leads the audience to feel like momentarily living in a dream land, where all around is beauty and art.
Here, couture like other forms of art, provides the main frame, where it invites the audience to create their very own unique experience through projecting their own feelings and experience into the clothes. This enables the creation of a million different experience, although technically speaking, everyone is looking at the same clothes. To me, this is the beauty of fashion as an art.
Couture is not just about clothes, it is a process in which men follow their determination in the pursuit of beauty- both physical and psychological. This is done through the creative ideas of the designer, the production of clothes and the realization of the vision through presentation on the runway. By jumping into this magical pool, it actually provides a temporary relief of the weariness and ugliness of the world that we are facing everyday -a place where only goodness, beauty and appreciation exists.
Obviously, the fashion business far from perfect. Most fashion today claim itself as art, when it is actually business. Clothes are designed to be more and more commercialized to bring in sales. The more wearable a collection is, the more sales it makes, although it can be a critical media flop. Being extremely fast paced, and becoming even more so, designers are forced to deliver a minimum of 2 collections each year, being the spring and fall ready to wear collections, even if they are extremely uninspired. It is hard to produce art within a tight time constraint, this is true for most art forms.
Thus how Galliano manages to do such extraordinary things for Dior,I would never know. But I always appreciate the way he continues to inspire people around the world, by keeping alive the essence of fashion as an art.
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